First VALUE training school: "Introduction to Dynamical and Statistical Downscaling"

The school "Introduction to Dynamical and Statistical Downscaling" will be held from 6-15 Nov in Santander, Spain. The first week of the school will cover lectures on dynamical downscaling and exercises using the WRF regional climate model. The second week will cover lectures on statistical downscaling and exercises with different classical and state-of-the-art downscaling packages. A detailed schedule will follow in due time.


The school is open for PhD students and postdocs involved in VALUE (i.e., they should be MC, WG or work for a VALUE MC or WG member), although excellent MSc students might apply as well. As VALUE intends to integrate different downscaling communities, participants should attend the full two weeks.

VALUE will provide grants of up to 1200 EUR per person for up to 18 participants.


To apply for a grant, students should send ONE SINGLE PDF including

  • a cover letter with a statement of interest of up to one page
  • your CV including a list of publications
  • a letter of support by a VALUE member

to Douglas Maraun (, José M. Gutiérrez ( and Martin Widmann ( 14 SEPTEMBER 2012.

... the program and further details are available at

Santander (Spain)
Tue, 2012-11-06 (All day) - Thu, 2012-11-15 (All day)